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This website, which can be accessed at, is published by Yaël SION AVOCAT, registered in the MARSEILLE Trade and Companies Register under number 809 832 637 00049, whose registered office is located at 565 avenue du Prado, 13008 MARSEILLE, France.
Tel: 0033 7 68 45 87 67 - e-mail address:
Yaël SION AVOCAT is a law firm specialising in tax and customs law for individuals and companies, corporate law in difficulty and as a real estate agent. The lawyer is a member of the MARSEILLE Bar and is therefore affiliated to the MARSEILLE Bar Association (France).
MAÎTRE Yaël SION is subject to the internal regulations of the MARSEILLE Bar and to the national internal regulations in their applicable version, as well as to the legislative and regulatory provisions relating to the legal profession.
In accordance with the provisions of articles L.612-1 et seq. of the French Consumer Code, you may, in the event of a dispute, have free recourse to the Consumer Mediator of the Conseil National des Barreaux (CNB), whose contact details are as follows: CNB, Médiateur à la consommation, 180 boulevard Haussmann - 75008 PARIS.
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